
“a balm for all wounds”: on the life of Etty Hillesum under Nazi occupation

It’s hard to know how to preface an essay about the Dutch-Jewish diarist Etty Hillesum, who lived in Amsterdam under Nazi occupation, and whose last journal entry was written a year before she was murdered at Auschwitz, while living between Amsterdam and Westerbork, a labour camp for Jews in the Dutch east. I want to

“a balm for all wounds”: on the life of Etty Hillesum under Nazi occupation Read More »

Transgenderism, Neoliberalism and Rape Culture: Brisbane talk

Below is the text of a twelve-minute talk I gave in Brisbane on October 12, 2019. The talk can be viewed here. The event was hosted by the International Women’s Day Brisbane/Meanjin committee, and the other presentations on transgenderism and rape culture, lesbian erasure, women’s reproductive rights, sports and the left, can be found on

Transgenderism, Neoliberalism and Rape Culture: Brisbane talk Read More »

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